2015! WOW! HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM DRUMZ!! OUR NEW CLASSES BEGIN ON JANUARY 10th, 2015! Our classes are in six week sessions and meet once a week for one hour. Cost per session is $100 or individual classes are $18 drop in. Make up classes are always allowed within the same six week session in classes that are scheduled in your same level! Drums are available for use in all the beginner level classes free of charge! Beautiful, high quality djembes and djunduns are also for sale and we are happy to help you choose one!
BEGINNER HAND DRUMMING,10am-11am- Saturday morning drumming for Beginners! Discover the Magic of Hand Drumming and wake up your spirit and your creative potential! This class requires no previous musical experience and we know that if you have a heartbeat, you HAVE rhythm! Great way to learn to listen more keenly, express yourself more fully, communicate more deeply, and discover your musical and rhythmic core! Great fun is had every Saturday morning at DRUMZ and we warmly invite you and your friends to come and try it out! FIRST CLASS IS FREE FOR ALL NEWCOMERS IN THIS JANUARY 2015 SESSION! Drums are provided for those who do not yet have their own! BEGINS JANUARY 10th.
* DJUNDUN DANCE CLASS -11:15am-12:15pm - must have your own djundun and sticks for this class! NEW CLASS this session! Join us for great exercise and amazing rhythms,songs, and moves! High energy!Begins January 10th!
KRIN CLASS- 6:30-7:30pm- BEYOND BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE African log drum classes begins January 10th. Everyone must have their own log drum for these classes! Very exciting and fun ( and loud!) classes and earplugs are essential!
DRUMSISTA CLASS 7:30-9pm begins in February as a 12 week performance class in preparation of our April public Concert with the Hildegirls. DATES TBA. A January weekend DRUMSISTA RETREAT will take place in Briarcliff as a prelude to the upcoming 12 week session. Stay tuned for
BEYOND BEGINNER DJUNDUN CLASS meets from 6:45pm-7:45pm beginning Jan.14th. We learn amazing three part djundun ( African bass drums played with stickes!) rhythms and fun orchestration to accompany the djembes in the African Ensemble style of playing. It is helpful to have your own djuns on which to practice and some are needed for classes. Sticks are required for everyone. ( available for sale at DRUMZ)
BEGINNER HAND DRUMMING....Discovering the Magic of Hand Drumming six weeks session begins Jan. 14th, Wednesdays from 8-9pm. Covers the fundamentals of hand drumming and rhythms and we learn many West African rhythms, intros, and songs in these classes. You are encouraged to stay in Beginner Level classes until you feel totally comfortable with the hand technique and the orchestration and the in-the-moment- music-making! We have students who remain in Beginner level for years and enjoy the music and the rhythms year after year....being relaxed and at ease is a major key in being a good drummer and competition has no place in these classes!
6:45-7:45, beginning Thursday night January 15th. This class requires experience and it is good to get the instructors feedback if you wish to be in this class as it moves at a fast pace, has more complicated orchestration and requires good hand technique and a clear sense of timing and simply demands some years of experience. Thanks!
"REMEMBERING RHYTHM"CLASS resumes this session beginning on Jan. 15th. Great day time class for women! We explore lots of awesome rhythms and songs and enjoy a morning class of high energy. We will also work on some pieces to be played in the YOGA WITH LIVE DRUMMING Class which follows at noon with Janet Farnsworth! These are both new and exciting classes this session.
I look forward to sharing a rhythm with you in 2015! Gift Certificates are available and Drumming Classes and Drums make unique and meaningful holiday gifts for special people on your holiday list! ALL AGES love drumming! Music is our Universal language and rhythm is our Mother Tongue...giver the gift of music and lets raise the consciousness and the vibration of our sweet old world in 2015!
With peace, love, and gratitude,